Order of 23 December 2024 - 196-20241223-ord-01-00-en.pdf
Obligations of Israel in relation to the presence and activities of the United Nations, other international organizations and third States in and in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory
(Request for advisory opinion)
No. 196 23 December 2024
The President of the International Court of Justice,
Having regard to Articles 48, 65 and 66 of the Statute of the Court and to Articles 103, 104 and 105 of the Rules of Court;
Whereas on 19 December 2024 the United Nations General Assembly adopted, at the 54th meeting of its Seventy-Ninth Session, resolution 79/232, by which it decided, in accordance with Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations, to request the International Court of Justice, pursuant to Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, to render an advisory opinion;
Whereas certified true copies of the English and French texts of that resolution were transmitted to the Court under cover of a letter from the Secretary-General of the United Nations dated 20 December 2024 and received on 23 December 2024; Whereas paragraph 10 of this resolution reads as follows:
“The General Assembly,
\10. Decides, in accordance with Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations, to request the International Court of Justice, pursuant to Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, on a priority basis and with the utmost urgency, to render an advisory opinion on the following question, considering the rules and principles of international law, as regards in particular the Charter of the United Nations, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, privileges and immunities applicable under international law for international organizations and States, relevant resolutions of the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council, the advisory opinion of the Court of 9 July 2004, and the advisory opinion of the Court of 19 July 2024, in which the Court reaffirmed the duty of an occupying Power to administer occupied territory for the benefit of the local population and affirmed that Israel is not entitled to sovereignty over or to exercise sovereign powers in any part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory on account of its occupation:
What are the obligations of Israel, as an occupying Power and as a member of the United Nations, in relation to the presence and activities of the United Nations, including its agencies and bodies, other international organizations and third States, in and in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including to ensure and facilitate the unhindered provision of urgently needed supplies essential to the survival of the Palestinian civilian population as well as of basic services and humanitarian and development assistance, for the benefit of the Palestinian civilian population, and in support of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination?”;
Whereas the Secretary-General indicated in his letter that, pursuant to Article 65, paragraph 2, of the Statute, all documents likely to throw light upon the question would be transmitted to the Court in due course; Whereas, by letters dated 23 December 2024, the Registrar gave notice of the request for an advisory opinion to all States entitled to appear before the Court, pursuant to Article 66, paragraph 1, of the Statute; Whereas, in view of the fact that the General Assembly has requested that the advisory opinion of the Court be rendered “on a priority basis and with the utmost urgency”, it is incumbent upon the Court to take all necessary steps to accelerate the procedure, as contemplated by Article 103 of its Rules,
Decides that the United Nations and its Member States, as well as the observer State of Palestine, are considered likely to be able to furnish information on the question submitted to the Court for an advisory opinion and may do so within the time-limits fixed in this Order;
Fixes 28 February 2025 as the time-limit within which written statements on the question may be presented to the Court, in accordance with Article 66, paragraph 2, of the Statute; and
Reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.
Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-third day of December, two thousand and twenty-four. (Signed) Nawaf SALAM, President. (Signed) Philippe GAUTIER, Registrar.
PDF original: Order of 23 December 2024 - 196-20241223-ord-01-00-en.pdf
ETA: I believe this case is separate from Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
Fuck man the list of documents for the “legal concequences” case is so fucking dire. Random document: Living Conditions of the Palestinian People - 186-20230531-req-01-04-en.pdf, random page (212 out of 1012):
their OCR sucs, this is the approx text
l37 1238
The cover page of that section seems to be page 180 of the PDF. Published June 15 1982