Hi, my name is copacetic and I buy ttrpg material which I never actually play. What is wrong with me?
Sure, you can tell me nothing is really wrong as long as I get some enjoyment out of it. What is going on though. Reading RPG books makes me dream of wonderful session which could happen. Ironic that it is a fantasy about fantasy.
If you enjoy reading it and imagining what you could do with the system then it’s no worse than buying any other book, reading it and putting it on a shelve to never open it again, is it? Don’t worry so much, enjoy what you can while you can!
When I was in middle school I think I owned every D&D 3.5e main book and many of the “complete X” books despite never playing and never intending to. I enjoyed reading about how the multiverse and magic worked. I also enjoyed looking at the cool pictures. It really tickled the imagination.
I just view it as a way of supporting the creators and maybe some day there will be some more material and/or a fellow player comes across it and maybe we can game together.
Don’t worry, sounds normal to me!
I started buying so many ttrpg books when pandemic started. I particularly like Free League.
We played some Tales from the Loop and Vaesen, but preparing sessions take so much time and energy, I just could not keep up.
I also like to read the systems, some of them I have read all the way through and fantasizing about playing them.
I consider these books an investment for the future, just like my steam games haha.
I just tell myself that at least I’m a patron of the arts, keeping the hobby alive by voting with my wallet, till I find a way to play again.
@copacetic sorry, can’t help you as I do the same!
I also had a point where I realized that I knew I wasn’t going to get every game I owned to the table.
I was immediately fine with it. Playing is a hobby, collecting is a hobby, and just plain reading those books is a hobby. I realized I just like reading different RPGs, sometimes to pull stuff for my own campaigns/systems, sometimes for its own sake. So I don’t mind if I buy some books I won’t end up running, so long as I can budget for it. It also helps the people designing and publishing those games.
So I don’t think there’s really anything to answer the question, “What is going on?” We’re just having fun, and that’s enough. :)
Why don’t you play the material though? What’s your favorite unplayed stuff that you bought?
Latest one “Grok?!” was cheap at least. Family duties severely reduce opportunities to play and the remaining time is already filled playing other stuff. Maybe I should play more one shots instead of campaigns.
I can relate, between work and chores, there’s not much time left. The last time I really played was back in school, with people I’ve lost contact with. If I wanted to play now, realistically I’d have to DM which brings us back to the whole lack of time thing.
I haven’t played over half of the games I own. And I won’t play them probably because it is so hard to find willing players. But I have so much fun just reading some of them I don’t worry about it.
As long as it is fun for you, don’t worry.
If you feel you’re getting your money’s worth from just reading the stuff then you’re fine. Though if you really do want to actually play games using them I recommend finding a group and doing so, either in person or online. This community has an LFG section attached to it if you don’t know where to start.
Are you actually playing TTRPGs regularly?
I have a regular Dungeon World group. For some months I also played Beyond the Wall in parallel.
@bionicjoey @copacetic no… BUT I should start today a modded #Ironsworn game, it’s something :blobcatcoffee: