The dude is clearly salty. The amount of times he said it’s not about me, but think about all these other people is insane.
Forum is not a proper place to share account personal details, which he seems to be having a hard time understanding.
I especially like his comment about GGG needing to ignore the holidays and make sure there are no slowdowns because the same holidays are not celebrated globally since the game is international.
That said, if there was an actual breach which can lead to serious harm, GGG is mandated by law to inform affected people and the government about it in 72 hours.
And I do think that GGG support team was not prepared for the amount of tickets they will be getting related to Path of Exile 2 early access. Just issues related the keys were constant from what I saw. They are still going through that backlog so all these new tickets are stuck in the queue, and it can give the impression of GGG not doing anything. They did start hiring new support staff and made a post about the delays on December 11th, but he seems to ignore that fact. Furthermore, they even linked to that post in their forum responses.