Das Spiel CAMI (Computerized Assessment of Motor Imitation) kann Unterschiede in der motorischen Imitationsfähigkeit mit Hilfe von Motion-Tracking-Technologie feststellen
Leider wohl nicht ohne weiteres zu Hause auszuprobieren.
No, this is Patrick!
What about Helldivers 2?
It’s not the first time Sony has changed course, either. The firestorm of gamer outrage started with an account requirement for Helldivers 2, a team-based co-op shooter that went viral about a year ago. The response was so negative (players review-bombed the game) at that time that Sony ultimately backed down, opting not to enforce the requirement.
Oh, never mind. Apparently it’s gone.
Kann man die Präsentation irgendwo ohne Account sehen?
How do they want to recoup their investment?
Aluhüte würden sagen, dass der Fall der Brandmauer vielleicht damit zu tun haben könnte.
Our Lord and Saver
Thank you. Clearing the cache solved the issue.
My Android client is crashing when trying to access the admin dashboard. Is this a cause of the update?
Currently it’s the biggest threat to our democracy.
Is there some way to submit entries? I’d like to see https://hostiko.com.ua/en/ on the VPS list.
You can use the human readable IDs under /dev/disks/by-id/
instead of UUIDs in /etc/fstab
Darf man auch erfahren, was der Mann gesagt hat?
Is there a name for this condition? I think I have some research to do.
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Der perfekte Liebhaber.
Check your time and date.