Some of mine are: reading 52 books, going for a walk at least once a week, getting a new piercing, and doing my budgeting every week instead of waiting multiple weeks, etc etc
What’s everyone else’s? Maybe comrades with similar goals can be accountability buddies
I’m sorry, I thought I was being humorous since his room was kinda ironically in disarray.
That being said, let’s go, Ideology!
Never stop dunking on Peterson.
I’ve never related to him harder than when he went out on stage, xanned off his tits and found himself facing down Slavoj Zizek utterly unprepared. I retain zero sympathy for him and delight in every meme. Even if some of his story and situation are relatable, he sucks and he asked for the attention anyway. We’re not bullying a random guy who said something foolish one time on the internet.
edit: oh and yeah it was in fact a funny post
Yeah, why not, JustSo…
I just find him deeply unserious than dangerous, compared to someone like J.K Rowling
Lol no I didn’t mean to bring the mood down.
Fuck JP and I’m glad he has a messy living space, and I hope it makes him anxious and embarrassed.
And it was a funny post, just like JustSo said.