Some of mine are: reading 52 books, going for a walk at least once a week, getting a new piercing, and doing my budgeting every week instead of waiting multiple weeks, etc etc

What’s everyone else’s? Maybe comrades with similar goals can be accountability buddies blob-no-thoughts

    • blipblip [none/use name, they/them]
      3 months ago

      I hope your ed gets better, comrade

      ty, I know I can do it, I made some progress a couple years ago, it’s just about finding the effort to keep chipping away at it instead of being complacent

      What do you plan on studying?

      I work in IT, so studying for and passing some kind of certification and then job hopping is the most direct path to $$$, as for what cert specifically? Dunno, when it’s not knowledge I get to use daily it’s hard to find the motivation to sit down and consistently study. The stuff I find interesting feels like it would be less helpful in a job hunt cause I’m just so far down the ladder from where it would used, and the stuff I should study is boooooooooring