first time posting here, just wanted to ask y’all: what is the best flag? (by best i mean your favorite. it’s just hyperbole alright, don’t sue me)
I’ll start. the mozambique flag. it has a frickin’ ak-47 on it. there’s absolutely no way anything is cooler than that!
Obviously the welsh flag, it has a mf dragon on it
The dragon she tells you not to worry about
This is the obvious and correct answer. I can’t believe this is a conversation.
You already posted the best one, which not only has an AK47, but also a hoe. Angola has a machete in it, it’s a good runnerup
Here’s the (proposed?) flag of Saint Martin, which is a Martini and no one can convince me otherwise
a martini on the flsg of saint martin. it has to have been done on purpose
i love it, maybe even more than angola’s. though can you elaborate on the “proposed?” part? that might influence my judgement
The island of Saint Martin is divided in half. North is a french territory, south is dutch. According to wikipedia the French side uses the French flag, but I had seem that flag floating around before. The dutch side has its own flag, which isn’t as good, because, I think, it’s technically a country that’s part of the kingdom of Netherlands.
Idk. The machete is a powerful symbol as both a tool and a weapon
The Flag of Sicily
this is beautiful. it looks like an angel!
I think the head in the middle is supposed to be Medusa lol
I like the one from Papua New Guinea, because bird !
Tulsa’s new flag is pretty rad.
I thought Tulsa was a planet in Star Wars.
My favorite is the one i made imagining the flag of Shia state in Iraq if it would be real.
And if you mean a real flag then it would be the flag of Mongolia.
I absolutely love the Austrian Social Democrats flag. The three arrows mean crush fascists, crush capitalists and crush the reactionary.
thats beautiful i love it
The three arrows stand against fascism, monarchism and communism. CP.,_1932_-_Gegen_Papen,_Hitler,_Thälmann.png
That’s the German definition.
On the Wikipedia page of “Three Arrows” in the Section “Use outside Germany” at the end of paragraph 2 it says: “According to the modern SPÖ, the Three Arrows represent opposition against fascism, capitalism and clericalism.”
As to why they changed the definition my guess is the Austrian Social Democrats didn’t want to oppose communism because the first republic was essentially a two (or at best times three) party system similar to the US before it drifted into Austro-Fascism and a civil war and ultimately got annexed. And until today the SPÖ is more left than the SPD - or should I say their left wing is stronger.
Personally I’m a fan of Botswana’s flag. Despite using very simple shapes only three colours, it’s still instantly recognisable - I’m pretty sure it’d be distinct even in greyscale, or even if you just saw the three colours at all because nobody else uses that pale blue alongside white and black.
It’s beautiful, and the best thing to ever happen to Europe probably since the end of the 2md world war
Love the simple yet strikingly unique design of Seychelles.
Switzerland! Its litterally a huge plus and the only flag in a 4:3 format. And if you invert the colors you get the flag of the red cross.
I’m a friend of the flag of the city of Amsterdam. xxx in white on red and black. Venice Berlin and Hamburg are also nice flags but Amsterdam is just so clean.
Hard to choose a favorite, but the flag of Chuvashia is pretty cool imo.