I don’t know what to do with my life. My local organizing is in limbo and I’m not sure I want to keep doing it for several reasons. I don’t have a job, lost mine when my campaign work officially ended on 12/1. I used to write code for a living but really don’t want to go back into it. It’s not what I want to do for a living. Also…

Capitalism is dumb. Really really stupid. I hate how there are so many people busting their butts working in Amazon warehouses or meat packing plants, or those kids mining rare metals in Africa, making scraps and actually making all of these modern Capitalist treats possible. And then there’s people who are clicking a few buttons on a stock broker app and pulling in thousands of dollars just like that!

Actually working for an honest wage feels like a scam at this point. I get to be pushed around, mentally distressed (hooray Autism) and eventually stressed out to the point of burning out for whatever wage I “agree” to take (aka whatever “the market” says I’m worth). OR I can turn the trading I’m doing into a “system” and hone it to a point where I can pull in $300-500 per day making trades on the market.

I’m not even talking about a fancy trading strategy with a bunch of indicators or other nonsense. I’m just scalping SPY, buying Call or Put options at a certain point and selling them when they go up in price by 20 cents. 25 contracts x .20 profit / share / contract = $500 - $25 in broker fees = $475. In theory I could run this every day and be in and out of my trade within minutes. The full strategy has risk management rules and then the “hard part” is picking the right entry point for each trade.

I’ll be running a back test on this simple plan but I know from actually doing it on a smaller scale that it works. It’s so dumb how I can make (and lose) a month’s rent on a single trade.

It’s disgusting. On one hand I am glad I have this “gift” of hyper-focus so that I can dig into topics like day trading and figure it out. OTOH there’s a lot of jealousy over people who I see out and about as “normal” and knowing I’m not going to be them. Part of me wishes I could just deal with a 9-5 job like most people and maybe empty my mind of Politics. I’d be less informed but maybe happier?

The other thing that bothers me is that Capitalism is pushing me towards this route. I’d rather be spending my time learning how to make music, mixing with the gear I have, reading some of these theory and history books that are piling up, or doing something actually good for society. However I need money to survive and after going through plenty of really bad programming jobs I guess I’d rather try to make money on my own. So here I am, becoming the financial equivalent of a river leech, sucking some blood from my host each day, and those hosts being parasites themselves, those stock prices rising from stealing the labor value of everyone possible, charging as much as possible, screwing over everyone as much as they can get away with.

  • ShitPosterior [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    So your plan is to momentum trade SPY 0DTE’s?

    You might read the RDTE prospectus to understand how the other side of the table makes money off of you. As a matter of fact I would urge you to, instead of buying 0DTE’s (lottery tickets), consider profiting off of that time decay and market mispricing by WRITING 0DTE’s and synthetically covering with a deep ITM long dated call. That’s the essence of the RDTE ticker. It makes money by selling slightly OTM 0DTE’s

    • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
      3 months ago

      Not sure I have the capital or the options level to write 0DTEs but I’ll look into it. I’d like to open some “Poor Man’s Covered Calls” on a different ticker but my broker isn’t recognizing the long Call options and is trying to make me own shares before writing Calls. I need to talk to their support folks and sort it out.

      • ShitPosterior [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        3 months ago

        Could just leverage up on XDTE (SPY), QDTE (~SPY100), RDTE(RUS2000) and leave them to write the synthetic covered calls for you? They do weekly dividends and seem to be around $0.25 a week for a $40-50 share…

        Probably not quite the income you’re looking for but much lower risk of ruin since they’re actually hedged against downside risk

        Idk I think you might not be understanding the risk of your strategy, OTM 0DTE’s are inherently losing value every minute as they tick closer to expiry. Time decay is massively amplified since they’re at the end of their life. You can be right about direction and still lose your ass simply because it didn’t move fast enough.

        You enter into the contract from the start at a disadvantage because you pay for the IV, someone somewhere collects a premium to write you the contract. Like the house already has an edge right from the start, so not only do you need to overcome that but you also somehow have to time your entries and exits in a way that actually nets money before the contracts blow up in your face.

        Either way good luck, don’t put more than you can afford to lose on the line because you’re playing a dangerous game of leveraged hot potato

        • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
          3 months ago

          OTM 0DTE’s are inherently losing value every minute as they tick closer to expiry. Time decay is massively amplified since they’re at the end of their life.

          Yes, you’re 100% right with this. All options have time value that decays faster as they get closer to expiration. The way I mitigate this is by not relying on that extrinsic value and trading in a way that gets me lots of intrinsic value, profiting off that value when I sell.

          So I am trading mostly before 11am and I’m usually in and out of my position within minutes. Also by going for one strike out of the money I am taking an option with $0 intrinsic value and then holding until it gets in the money. That means some days I don’t trade at all, but then there are days like this where the stock was rising and I caught it on the way up between 587 and 588.

    • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
      3 months ago

      So your plan is to momentum trade SPY 0DTE’s?

      I’ve learned that the dumbest trades are often the best ones to take. The markets don’t make sense.

      This account was funded by GME, and they should have gone bankrupt 🤷‍♂️

      Don’t worry, only the world’s economic futures are traded on markets like this everyday… what could go wrong 🙃