Tonight the same Cuban guy told me a joke I told a couple days ago has just been sticking with him and making him laugh at random times since. We work at an Italian restaurant and I said ‘Do you know what they call a poor neighborhood in Italian?’ ‘nope’ ‘The spaghetto’. One time a server asked for an egg to make some weird cocktail and I asked ‘chicken?’ And she asked sincerely if we had other eggs and I said I’d found a sweet nest of crow eggs on my smoke break and they’re in the walk in. She believed me.
People pay a lot more attention room to intonation than the content of speech thsn you’d think. Add the slightest plausibility and you can fuck with people. I told a dude that lentils got their name because they were one of the staple crops eaten during lent inidwvsl times. I’m generally also chock full of interesting info like that and I feel like seeing if I can slip in some absolute bullshit is fun for me but also good cause I’ve noticed that even though I am giving good Intel, that reputation of being knowledgeable means people will just believe you without investigation and feeding people a line of bullshit here and there which I do say was bullshit soon after is kinda good practice for showing people they’ll believe whatever crap is served up to them if it’s done right. I don’t want inherent trust, I want my trust verified, I think it stands up to scrutiny.
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It brought the house down.
Tonight the same Cuban guy told me a joke I told a couple days ago has just been sticking with him and making him laugh at random times since. We work at an Italian restaurant and I said ‘Do you know what they call a poor neighborhood in Italian?’ ‘nope’ ‘The spaghetto’. One time a server asked for an egg to make some weird cocktail and I asked ‘chicken?’ And she asked sincerely if we had other eggs and I said I’d found a sweet nest of crow eggs on my smoke break and they’re in the walk in. She believed me.
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People pay a lot more attention room to intonation than the content of speech thsn you’d think. Add the slightest plausibility and you can fuck with people. I told a dude that lentils got their name because they were one of the staple crops eaten during lent inidwvsl times. I’m generally also chock full of interesting info like that and I feel like seeing if I can slip in some absolute bullshit is fun for me but also good cause I’ve noticed that even though I am giving good Intel, that reputation of being knowledgeable means people will just believe you without investigation and feeding people a line of bullshit here and there which I do say was bullshit soon after is kinda good practice for showing people they’ll believe whatever crap is served up to them if it’s done right. I don’t want inherent trust, I want my trust verified, I think it stands up to scrutiny.
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