Putin retaliates by calling Zelensky “a goober, cretinous scrooge, horse and jabroni”.
Putin retaliates with a 15 hour essay on 14th century east Eurasian politics
Read another book.
Zelenskkky is a lib confirmed.
Oh wow sick burn, I’m sure Putin is going to resign now.
I’m surprised there weren’t any mentions of orc and/or goblin.
Is Zelensky the President or the Press Secretary for him to appear on Lex Friedman?
Oh ouch, Zelenskyy needs to work on his insults
Did he also grunt it like the little
he is?
you’re a mammoth
What does it mean to call another man “bare-assed”?
In Russian it either means directly that you’re too light clothed, or indirectly that you have nothing and own nothing
Ikr? In Spain I’ve been made fun of my body hair as a teen
BREAKING NEWS: Putin has responded to Zelensky by calling him, and quote, “a dunderhead”