This is what in Australia (Murdoch media) sees as peak journalism.
They’ll regularly trawl Reddit and twitter for ‘stories’ and how the public reaction (read: 1 comment) is.
It’s become a bit of a joke in the Australia subreddit to ask to be included in the screenshot.
I believe it’s a result of news corpos go “free” online. People used to pay for newspapers. Good news ment good sales. Online news except few profit from ads, so now you have profit less dependent on product quality (news). If businesses can do less they will
To be fair, journalism has always been shit since the invention of journalism.
A few stars always shine, yes, but the industry as a whole is garbage.
The liberal rags were in hysterical tears for 4 years of Trump and Biden is the only way to save Democracy and this is the most important election of our lifetimes and and and and
…and the leftists told them for 8 years exactly what the result of their actions would be, and they did it anyway.
Kind of off topic, but what has happened to our journalism?
This essentially is article about a tweet and how others on twitter responded to it.
This is what in Australia (Murdoch media) sees as peak journalism.
They’ll regularly trawl Reddit and twitter for ‘stories’ and how the public reaction (read: 1 comment) is.
It’s become a bit of a joke in the Australia subreddit to ask to be included in the screenshot.
Common dreams isn’t really that kind of site. It’s a political blog at best.
Have you seen Newsweek? It’s basically just summaries of Reddit self posts.
I believe it’s a result of news corpos go “free” online. People used to pay for newspapers. Good news ment good sales. Online news except few profit from ads, so now you have profit less dependent on product quality (news). If businesses can do less they will
Also OT: I wrote to Don and asked went they never cover Palestinian casualties a few times. Never answered.
To be fair, journalism has always been shit since the invention of journalism.
A few stars always shine, yes, but the industry as a whole is garbage.
The liberal rags were in hysterical tears for 4 years of Trump and Biden is the only way to save Democracy and this is the most important election of our lifetimes and and and and
…and the leftists told them for 8 years exactly what the result of their actions would be, and they did it anyway.
I see though journalism in other countries than US and the standards seem way better.
Yes, like most things, the US funds a way to fuck it up. A country of literal fuckups.