There’s two types of military SONAR: active and passive. Active SONAR is using pings and listening for the echo, but it’s not very commonly used by submarines. Passive sonar is just listening out for engine noise from ships and prop noise from other submarines. Warships use active SONAR more because they’re already noisy and so if they think an enemy submarine is in the area they’ll use it to try and locate, but in peacetime it’s mostly reserved for training exercises. It’s still terrible for wildlife, even if they don’t die it’s very distressing and disorientating but it’s not constantly scanning like a RADAR.
Wait a minute
Have we been pulping marine wildlife this whole time? I just connected the dots there
Like 10,000 dolphins were killed in the black sea in 2022 because of sonar.
That’s fucked. Hopefully aliens do the same thing to Earth soon.👽
Hey, man. Why do you hate dolphins so much that you want aliens to kill another 10,000?
Yep. Its fucked. Literally drives whales to beach themselves.
There’s two types of military SONAR: active and passive. Active SONAR is using pings and listening for the echo, but it’s not very commonly used by submarines. Passive sonar is just listening out for engine noise from ships and prop noise from other submarines. Warships use active SONAR more because they’re already noisy and so if they think an enemy submarine is in the area they’ll use it to try and locate, but in peacetime it’s mostly reserved for training exercises. It’s still terrible for wildlife, even if they don’t die it’s very distressing and disorientating but it’s not constantly scanning like a RADAR.