hold up I’m very ignorant, do Maronite Christians have full control of Lebanese politics or something?
The National Pact (Arabic: الميثاق الوطني, romanized: al Mithaq al Watani) is an unwritten agreement that laid the foundation of Lebanon as a multiconfessional state following negotiations between the Shia, Sunni, and Maronite and Druze leaderships. Erected in the summer of 1943, the National Pact mainly centered around the interests of political elites, the Maronite elite served as a voice for the Christian population of Lebanon while the Sunni elite represented the voice of the Muslim population. The pact also established Lebanon’s independence from France.
Lebanese Maronite Christians do not seek Western intervention, and accept that Lebanon had Arab features. Lebanese Muslims abandon their aspirations to unite with Syria and the Arab World. The President of the Republic and the Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces always be Maronite Catholic.
The Prime Minister of the Republic always be a Sunni Muslim. The Speaker of the Parliament always be a Shia Muslim. The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament and the Deputy Prime Minister always be Greek Orthodox Christian. The Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces always be a Druze. There always be a ratio of 6:5 in favour of Christians to Muslims (and Druze) in the Lebanese Parliament.
Iraq also has a similar thing where the President is always a Kurd.
Government positions are tied to confessional identities
The president, a Maronite Christian; the speaker of the Parliament, a Shi’a Muslim; and the prime minister, a Sunni Muslim.
Hmm, that’s unexpected. Seems like a pretty bad deal for anyone who’s not part of those 3 groups but at least it’s nice that they all get representation no matter what.
Where’s the AoE priest when you need him? Just a small, little wololo and we’re back in business.
imagine there’s actually just some guy named bernie sanders that was born and raised in lebenon
Wtf is that @ hausahusshshhweh
lol this made me think of HH Goodman for the first time in like two years