I was curious, does anyone know if there is a Fediverse alternative to sites like:

[IMDb] (https://www.imdb.com/)

[TMDB] (https://www.themoviedb.org/)

[TheTVDB] (https://thetvdb.com/)

[IHorrorDB] (https://www.ihorrordb.com/)


Something that allows users to discover, review, and discuss movies and TV shows in a decentralized way.

I know about Moviewyrm, which is a concept of a potential fork of Bookwyrm.

While it’s a great start, it is just the concept of a potential platform.

If there isn’t one, then has anyone ever considered building a more robust movie/TV platform for the Fediverse?

Or better yet, is something already in the works that I might have missed?

I’d love to see a project like this come to life, but unfortunately, I lack the knowledge, time, and energy to start it myself.

However, I’d be really interested in discussions or ideas for how such a platform could be built.

  • caos@anonsys.net
    2 months ago

    @TheRedSpade @Teknevra If I understand it correctly, a Fediverse account (e.g. Mastodon) can be used to create reviews (about films, music etc. from the database). And these reviews can then also be shared and commented on in the Fediverse.