I’m a YIMBY. I think we need to build a shit load of apartments. I don’t care whether it’s state-owned or private. If we wanted to build a shit ton of public housing, we’d need to implement YIMBY policies anyway.

I don’t really know if Marxism is relevant here, but I see bourgeois NIMBY homeowners trying to keep property values high at the expense of everyone else as a common enemy everyone needs to fight against.

  • Mindfury [he/him]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    dunno, i think yimby has just been poisoned by neolibs in my mind, but i’m definitely densitypilled based on the australian context in the 21st century

    yimbylibs like to crow about how they would support density builds in their area, but spend much more time screaming about “supply” that they realistically only see the implementation of suburban sprawl and a new development “estate” or “suburb” that’s 1000 single-story, half block dogboxes with black tile roofs, no trees, one school, and one road in and out - and the whole thing is 70km away from the CBD. These shitheaps are built to no standard whatsoever, there’s no public transport service, and people go hundreds of thousands into debt to wind up separated from everything, atomised and lonely. Then when any new project is proposed in the leafy rich removed suburbs, yimbys immediately become nimby and want “supply to be increased” elsewhere because they might see some smaller digits when they get their house valued.

    Fuck that, I want building standards rewritten from the ground up and all building certification to be re-nationalised. Everything will be 7 star energy efficient and every single build will be inspected by the state department, no private engineers or inspectors certifying non-compliant shitheaps. No residential properties will be sold without department certification and anyone caught doing so will be fucking jailed. Anyone caught phoenixing a building company will be publically executed. A public building corps will be formed with the express purpose of building higher density living spaces at or over the new rigourous standards, located directly around all possible public transport hubs, and providing a minimum percentage of family-sized apartments while allowing only a maximum percentage of private ownership and the rest being public housing. Zoning will be altered to a “less but more” restrictive regime - restrictions on dwelling height for residential, “local character” protections in suburbs and restrictions on mixed-use commercial services and retail in residential areas will get in the fucking bin immediately, but all areas within the range of housing corps builds will require public amenities and parkland, and any greenfields suburban housing builds will have so many fucking requirements on public transport service, access connections to existing areas, minimum amounts of education facilities and environmental vegetation coverage that property developers will simply kill themselves.

    alternatively, i will just drive to Puckapunyal, steal as much ordinance as possible, and conduct a widespread mortar campaign on Toorak and Brighton for fun

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
      2 months ago

      5-over-1 but it’s 3-5 stories of timber frame and straw-clay on top of 1 story of earth berm with a greenhouse veranda and a green roof, 40 bedrooms per floor, 4 parking spots, bicycle rack capacity of 200 all sheltered by solar panels