It’s from the Game of Thrones series, that’s Ramsey Bolton taunting Theon Greyjoy, and you want to stop watching it quite some while before the final season as the show runners can’t write for shit and GRR Martin hasn’t finished the actual story yet. The beginning is great, though. And so is, so far, House of Dragons, at least for that one the story is finished as it’s a prequel so I’m quite confident it’s not going to turn into a total disaster.
His books are non finished too and adventures (interesting intrigue and all, what is going to gappen??) gets thrown under the bus like “everyone died” (so all that build up was just fluff) of “50 years later” etc.
I can’t understand who likes his books if they haven’t like read all other sf books first and just don’t have the choice.
He’s a damn good author, that’s why. Only read the Song of Ice and Fire books so far, and I’m also going to read the rest… if they ever get finished.
And, yes, I’ve read literally all of Asimov, both Herberts, and am somewhat confused what science fiction has to do with SOIAF. Somehow completely missed cyberpunk but I guess by now it’s too late, I’ve read The Diamond Age, fuck transhumanist dystopia we don’t need the transhumanism for that. Still have catch-up to do on the Culture series.
Hey Kim:

What is this movie? I want to see it now.
It’s from the Game of Thrones series, that’s Ramsey Bolton taunting Theon Greyjoy, and you want to stop watching it quite some while before the final season as the show runners can’t write for shit and GRR Martin hasn’t finished the actual story yet. The beginning is great, though. And so is, so far, House of Dragons, at least for that one the story is finished as it’s a prequel so I’m quite confident it’s not going to turn into a total disaster.
His books are non finished too and adventures (interesting intrigue and all, what is going to gappen??) gets thrown under the bus like “everyone died” (so all that build up was just fluff) of “50 years later” etc.
I can’t understand who likes his books if they haven’t like read all other sf books first and just don’t have the choice.
He’s a damn good author, that’s why. Only read the Song of Ice and Fire books so far, and I’m also going to read the rest… if they ever get finished.
And, yes, I’ve read literally all of Asimov, both Herberts, and am somewhat confused what science fiction has to do with SOIAF. Somehow completely missed cyberpunk but I guess by now it’s too late, I’ve read The Diamond Age, fuck transhumanist dystopia we don’t need the transhumanism for that. Still have catch-up to do on the Culture series.