Imagine being so addicted to screentreats you learn one of the most difficult languages so you can keep it flowing
Personally I don’t care about the “why” so long as the end result is greater understanding between the working classes of different cultures.
Treatlers will break their treat-crusted chains through the power of Communism
You’d rather crackers force crackerlanguage everywhere even more than they already are?
No definitely not lol I think it’s awesome honestly. I’m just saying none of these people are doing it out of an interest in Chinese culture or the language itself or achieving something valuable and fulfilling. A really hard thing at that, too. No instead they’re doing this very hard thing literally because they want to scroll lmao. Which, again, net positive in every way you look at it. But it is wild and I think pretty hilarious to think about
Don’t use Duolingo imo
I get your point but It’s a good place to dip your toes into. You won’t learn to speak it but it’s nice for beginners to start somewhere before moving to something else if they’re serious
I guess so, but there are other places you can start, too.
The Chinese Century is in full swing
if you’re going to use an app to begin studying Mandarin, I find HelloChinese to be more intuitive, with clearer explanations, and I don’t think they use AI
I don’t understand why but Duolingo’s mandarin course is shockingly bad compared to HelloChinese (at least the first part).
HC doesn’t do anything wild nor impossible to replicate, it’s what you would expect from any course, but Duolingo’s course is a huge slog with no explanations.
But I guess different people learn with different methods
Ngl that’s cringe as fuck people are learning Mandarin to use the red app or whatever its called. Learning Mandarin because you have an interest on the other hand is cool.