I’ve been talking to my friend who is semi famous in my area for being a top prenatal doc since the 80s.
He wants to make a video about how hospitals are run like a business.
We have countless interesting anecdotes but idk how to put it together…
What kinds of topics are the most important to address? I am kinda new to this type of topic.
The big one to me is how doctors are subject to profit-squeezing metrics that impede them giving optimal care. A lot of people have this misconception that algorithm-driven productivity panopticons are things only “low-skill” workers are subjected to, but white collar doctors are operating under a similar regime.
There shouldn’t be a “business side” to healthcare
Yes that’s the whole point of the video. It’s disgusting. The place he worked at didn’t have the right medication for a complication for twins or more because it wasn’t deemed as necessary.
He had to get it delivered from another hospital, kid could have easily died because it wasn’t deemed necessary to have extra.
And there’s a million things like that happening.
Who’s your audience?
I haven’t kept up with him in a while but Dr. Glaucomflecken is /was good but seems aimed at other health care professionals. If that’s your intent, I don’t mean to be a wet blanket but Dr. G I think already has that lane covered.
If your audience is the general public then deal with topics relevant to them instead. Why you pay more for less every year. How to fight back, within the system and without. If I were doing it I’d point a big fucking spotlight at the leaders who have the power to fix it but refuse. They have names and addresses. Good luck.
Edit: reading comprehension failed me… other HCPs will already know about this… leaving this up, look upon my shame!
More on topic: If I were doing this I’d also highlight the extreme moral/ethical implications of healthcare being a “business” in the first place and how that will always lead to putting profits over people.