Oh yeah? Well, the Indian consulate in Toronto was filled with tech support scammers!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to give some Google Play cards to a helpful Microsoft representative.
Oh yeah…?!
The show began with Chaurasia attempting to unpack how “Trudeau’s brain works”. To which Vohra said, “Does he have a brain? He is a tiny infant…”
Yeah well, his dad could beat up your dad so HA!
Nooooooooo ma’am why you do this to me
One thing u need to know about the national media channels in India. They are 90% fake news and govt propaganda.
They consistently call for a genocide of minorities.
yea thats why i shared from an independent crowd funded organization. its really left though.
How embarrassing, India.
there are elections this april, i hope people here remove him from power.
They opened the door and the people opening the door were carried away by the massive flow of cocaine streaming out of the plane.
I’m convinced, he has my vote.
At least Canadian isn’t based on a state-sponsored religion which encourages rape and violent subjugation of women.
And before anyone tries to ban me, please go examine Hindu religious texts and wider Indian male predilections.
Wonder how their indigenous peoples feel about that.
Funny enough, hindus are not indigenus to india. they came here during aryan migrations, the real indigenus people are dravidians.
I don’t think indigenous has particular meaning after four thousand years.
Being if dravidian descent, like most of south India, they definitely identify as Hindu and have the same range of fervor from barely religious up to religious nationalist as the rest of India.
Hinduism amalgamated a lot of local religions and philosophies as well, so proto Hindu beliefs and traditions are also part of modern Hinduism.
Yeah, European colonists were real shits, I agree.
deleted by creator
Can you give more details please? Is it as bad as Islam?
People talk about rape culture and patriarchy in the US, but I can see it far more clearly here. Goddam.
Sho’nuff. Sad and Ancient.
I didn’t read all of the articles, but the last one is local folklore. You can find stories about succubi or other framing of women as people who weaponise sex in a lot of cultures, it’s not something unique to local Indian folklore.
The second to last was basically saying that patriarchal values are encoded into religion and used to enforce a patriarchal hierarchy which is true with every religion that is practiced in a patriarchal society. Also, do not understand how they included Draupadhi’s SA as an example of something pro rape. That whole incident was perpetrated by the story antagonists and is framed as something so bad a god intervened on her behai to protect her.
Humiliating to be be called out for a state murder on foreign soil?
Next on India national news: Justin Trudeau is Kenyan
Does this also come under “credible allegations”?
I heard Obamas birth certificate and trumps pee tapes were on there too
It’s always good to keep copies aboard the cokejet
The pee tapes are real because I want them to be real
Begs the question, is it easier to get cocaine in Canada or India?
Can anyone weigh in on the relative cost spread?
My recollection is Canada that imports all of it’s cocaine. I do not know about India’s cocaine supply.
Why? I need to know if Trudeau is being accused at being a bad business man.
Like the GOP, they are just spraying shit around and not even caring how much sticks to the walls.
What ? I don’t know how much I believe this.
You really shouldn’t believe it at all without any proof they have a very vested interest in attacking his credibility right now.
Oh ffs…
Trudeau comes off more as an opium guy then cocaine.
Just let it snow