Huh, an interesting project. Reminds me of xkcd’s Thing Explainer. Trying to guess which Latin words they had to replace is a fun mental exercise.
Allow me to complete the trifecta with Uncleftish Beholding 👌
Today we wield both kind of uncleftish doings in weapons, and kernelish splitting gives us heat and bernstoneness. We hope to do likewise with togethermelting, which would yield an unhemmed wellspring of work for mankindish goodgain.
without Latin words
Pick one
TBF that’s a proper name. No regular words derived from Latin, though
You’re confusing Egypt with Aegyptus.
Egypt is as much Latin as ceasefire
Wouldn’t that be from Greek?
I love the html-ness of this website!
Fascinating stuff. This is basically a type of Lipogram.
It sounds more poetic this way.
Eh, I dunno. I thought this was really cool going into it, but the endless neologisms and middle English make it less interesting. Figured it would be more like Tolkien’s writing (who was known for using non-Latinate yet still modern words)