Awesome, thanks! You’re a mod now 🪄
Awesome, thanks! You’re a mod now 🪄
Yeah, IMO it’s a constitutional question. I’m coming at it from the EFF’s side:
We are deeply disappointed that the Court failed to require the strict First Amendment scrutiny required in a case like this, which would’ve led to the inescapable conclusion that the government’s desire to prevent potential future harm had to be rejected as infringing millions of Americans’ constitutionally protected free speech.
Web UI is coming soon. @dansup@loops.video said this weekend, but maybe walked that back after Pixelfed saw huge growth and demanded a bunch of his time
I wish that were true. I know too many people IRL that believe that and are old enough that they should know better.
Kagi’s pretty good and has a Fediverse search feature, but it’s paid. I don’t mind paying, but there’s also no way to do private searches that way, so I’m not going to use it as my main search engine. It’s been good at hunting down memes on Lemmy that I want to find again though.
Mild annoyance. People are also annoyed at the asskissing of Trump in the shutdown message, given that he wanted it shut down last time he was president. IMO people will just move on to whatever else.
I don’t really understand why the Supreme Court ruled that this is legal in the first place.
Thanks for the correction! I had just copy/pasted what was in the loops description, but I’ve updated the title here now
What’s wrong with it?
(For some reason there isn’t one clip with that bit and the first part, so here’s the bit before that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO1ebXqUFDw)
Cute! If you’re not already on Loops, that would be a great video to post there!
Subscribed, I’d like a USA news community that tries to somewhat eschew politics. Yeah, politics seeps into everything, but seeking out news that doesn’t lean into it is valuable given how easy it is to find political news elsewhere on Lemmy.
The trick is that they haven’t read it either, tankies just copy/paste stuff with titles that sound nice
That’s a good take. Reminds me of this XKCD, pointing out how much invisible work goes into everyday things around us:
Yeah, his idea was that they gave you water for free because it would fill you up, meaning you ate less at the buffet, and he wanted to maximize the value of his money
You should be able to tap the magnifying glass in the top right of the app on the main screen and search by username. I can get to the search screen, but his name isn’t showing up. Hopefully the new UI that should be coming out soon fixes this issue. You can also now open an issue here:
Sounds like a friend of mine that refused the free water at a Chinese buffet, because they were just trying to get him to eat less
I mostly care about how much caffeine I get, which I understand to be the same regardless of how much ice there is. Generally, small or medium is 2 shots of espresso, and a large is 3 shots.