Another person who has to turn to GoFundMe to get proper prosthetic care. Truly the sign of a functioning society when people have to resort to the generosity of others through a private for-profit crowdfunding platform to lead a normal life.
Another person who has to turn to GoFundMe to get proper prosthetic care. Truly the sign of a functioning society when people have to resort to the generosity of others through a private for-profit crowdfunding platform to lead a normal life.
I love the detached language they always address these matters with. Reading between the lines, I’d chalk this more up to: “this client isn’t on the $1500/mo plan so they don’t get coverage for stuff like that. Better luck next time. Oh yeah, and we’ll reconsider our policy sometime lol”
Fucking monsters
This is why mutualized public healthcare systems work better than for-profit ones.
in a mutualized system, 1000 people pitch in $10 per year so that one person in need might get the $10,000 surgery or prosthetic they need that year.
In a for-profit system, 1000 people pitch in $10 and the healthcare provider tries its hardest to make sure nobody costs more than they individually put in, or proposes coverage with out-of-pocket expenses so high they know nobody will take them up on the offer, so they can keep as much of the $10,000 for themselves.
You know why?
Because that’s what for-profits do. They are LEGALLY compelled to put the interests of their shareholders before everything else.
And that’s why no healthcare system should be incentivized to turn a profit.
This is not true and people need to stop perpetuating it. They have a fiduciary duty to the shareholders. If they don’t increase profits, the board of directors might replace the CEO. But there’s NO LAW forcing this. If there was, there wouldn’t be the popular (among Apple nerds) Tim Cook quote to “get out of the stock” over how environmentalism affects ROI.
Please stop mixing untruths with facts about the shittiness of our healthcare system.
I read up on this and you are correct. I thought shareholder primacy was enshrined in corporate law but it isn’t.
I stand corrected. Thanks!
CEO at my last company told the board he intended to go in the red in order to build up our staff and products. They applauded him.
Why isn’t he in JAIL?!
What was funny was that COVID boosted demand for our new remote product that customers weren’t signing up for. LOL, we made a profit trying to lose money.