Hmm, sounds like Big God is trying to sell more God.
I bet God spends all the offering money on hookers and blow
nope. Also has to have the private jet. you know. to party with the hookers and blow on. Also. the underage teens they have on worship team they’ve probably been grooming since their first sunday school lesson…
It’s the natural outcome of parenting and mortality. We NEED something at the top managing all this so we can feel comfortable that someone is at the wheel.
“Yes. Mine tries to make the universe make even less sense.”
“Yes. You’ll understand when you’re touched by his noodly appendage. Ramen!”
Ramen my brother
More like an attempt to impose order on other humans. Sky dad gave me this book that says you have to do what I tell you. No you can’t read it and he only talks to me. I have to interpret it for you and if you don’t obey you’re fucked for eternity.
a “religion” is just a very elaborate model that’s used to describe and predict the world at some point. we’ve replaced theology with theory, but the core concept stays the same.
Except that theory has been proven effective and theology is guesswork of desert peasants.
Hey c’mon now, that’s erasure of the plains peasants, the forest peasants, the mountain peasants, the island peasants, and the swamp peasants
Religion aside, if the universe is fundamentally unpredictable, then science is impossible.
Scientific laws allow for probabilistic predictability.
What if it’s just a really unlikely coincidence that it just appears to be predictable?
Ironically, an individual who uses language to identify with and articulate a particular sub-category of human belief systems (i.e. atheism), is attempting to impose order in an indescribable universe.
It depends on your definitions. Religion puts nonexistent intentionality into the system by adding a diety. Science explains the existing system using the language of mathematics.
Except science doesn’t explain the existing system. Science is the process of converting observations into language and indentifying reliable repeating patterns. It does not explain why.
This community 0 days since last solipsism post
Some of it is very describable.
Any description of existence would:
- be based on a limited perspective and at best incomplete,
- be in the form of language which is only a representation of the real thing,
- only describe the mechanics of existence and would not answer the essential ‘why’.
Existence is indescribable. The best description of life would be a non-verbal and direct felt experience, not words. Language providedes structured communication between perceptions, in other words: control and order.
Why are we assuming there is a why to the universe? Most of us don’t look at natural phenomena and truly wonder why. We may use that word erroneously but what is being wondered is “how”.
Crap grammar makes this meme purely stupid.
It’s just missing “in.”
= crap.
To me your comment reads as
“MedicPigBabySaver = crap.”
Self diss lol.
Ha, good one. I’ll leave it.