Loops is seeing a surge in activity with all the recent drama around other platforms. It’d be great to have other people contributing and/or modding here. Mod duties are pretty light (i.e. practically nonexistent), it’d just be nice to have extra hands in case I’m AFK.
I finally got my Loops account approved a few days ago and have been meaning to start posting, but I’ve just not really had time to dive in yet.
Really wish you could browse from the web though. :(
Web UI is coming soon. @dansup@loops.video said this weekend, but maybe walked that back after Pixelfed saw huge growth and demanded a bunch of his time
Oh, nice.
My avatar is accurate; I am a flip phone user lol. I have the Loops app on my old smartphone, but it lives in a drawer for the most part. Web UI will be a huge benefit for me.
I’m interesteed.
Awesome, thanks! You’re a mod now 🪄
Thank you kind human. Will keep my eyes open whenever I can.
Already too busy at the moment, but good luck!
I’m requesting for the deletion of my loops account and would appreciate help from those that can make it happen