I can’t search in discover for any of the KDE software like kmail or KDE partition manager. On the apps.kde.org website when I click the install on Linux button it pulls up discover. But it says “Could not open app stream://org.kde.whatever because it was not found in any available software repositories.”.
I have been googling for awhile and can’t figure out what repository I need or how to add it. If any one could help I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Try listing the flatpak remotes in the terminal, maybe the correct repository isn’t added/enabled.
Depending on the distribution you use, you might need to set up Flathub.
I am on Arch but I have already installed flatpak with pacman. Everything else works on Discover. The only thing that doesn’t is specifically all of the KDE software.
How did you install Arch and Plasma? My installs always come with both flatpak and Flathub enabled by default.
Just used Arch install. Later on when I launched discover it said it couldn’t be used without flatpak. So I installed flatpak and that was it.
Can you currently install flatpak apps through commandline? If yes, check your software sources from Discover settings page.
You shouldn’t use discover for anything other than flatpaks on Arch because it doesn’t allow manual intervention which is sometimes required on Arch. It can even leave you with an unbootable system.