On American TikTok users cannot seatch the phrase “Donald trump rigged election”, however when using a vpn to a mexican server the search does return results.
On American TikTok users cannot seatch the phrase “Donald trump rigged election”, however when using a vpn to a mexican server the search does return results.
When was the last time you made this query? Did you only attempt it recently? Because it looks like TikTok is also blocking searches that make Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Bugs Bunny look bad too.
It turns out its Rigged Election that can’t be searched.
Please do better validation.
Filtering “rigged election” and only in the US is still pretty damn sus though
Question is, how long has this been the case? If <rigged election> only got banned after they were unbanned in America and Trump became president, it is functionally the same thing.
No one knows. There is no evidence this was searchable before the shutdown. Zero. Combating misinformation about the election has been going on for years on social media. This measure is most likely been in place to stop people from spreading misinformation about him loosing in 2020.
Besides, the ops title is a flat out lie. You can search disfavorable things about trump on tiktok in the USA.