To clarify: No “this might happen” or “this may happen” or this “could lead to” type posts. I hate having so many today, but it’s the aftermath of yesterday.
Also, no Biden or Harris election posts. We are in a new timeline now.
I took over this site so I could post things factually happening and kind of keep track for myself. Please join in if you’d like, but I’m pretty strict about the vibe.
It’s really the only way to deal with trump. He is constantly saying as many absurd things as possible, and it’s easy to get distracted by the nonsense.
Over time when things slow down a bit, maybe consider the occasional will do X, if it points to multiple instances of trump speaking about the same theme.
What he says is important to know. I’m mainly all done with the panel of newspeople all kvetching about it and trying to predict what might happen.
It’s more about the themes of what he says. Trump likes to use a door in the face strategy. He intentionally makes ridiculous statements and demands, that makes people more receptive to his actual request.