• shalafi@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    (Can’t edit the post.)

    "Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about,

    And gallantly he chickened out."

    Nowhere else to share this, but I’m pretty stoked.

    Had a black bear wander in my dog door one Christmas, alas, I was out of town and a friend was house watching. Seen them from cars, on trail cams, etc., but never in person.

    There are miles of sandy washes a few blocks from my house, whole area drains to a beautiful creek and then the river. I hike out there 3 or 4 times a week. I’m usually noisy, talking to myself down-low, crazy as a prophet. So that’s how a bear and I scared each other last week.

    rustle, RUSTLE, RUSTLE

    “Deer? Bear! COOL!”

    Then two little black spots came galumphing along behind her. ralph_wiggun_I’m_in_danger.jpg

    Froze and drew my wimpy little .380. Uh, what to do now, she’s watching me from the bush. Backed up slowly, kept my eye on her general area, tried not to stare directly. Thought about putting a couple of rounds in the trail to enforce her fear of humans. What do I know? Might have agitated her into attacking, especially having two cubs to guard? Last thing I want to do is shoot a bear for being a bear, leave her cubs without a mother, in winter. Monstrous.

    So, I went looking for her again yesterday, because I am not a clever man. Further up the trail, about as far from humans as you can get, heard some rustling. Sounds like my pet pig; large, moving casually, snuffling around under the leaves. Found her! I think… Froze on the trail, crouched, listened to her slowly get closer.

    She spotted or smelled me first. Seen Slingblade? “HMMMMM” Yeah, that, but lower and more menacing. Discretion being the better part of valor, I slowly scooted up trail. 100-yards past where I heard her last, finally stopped for a beer and a piddle. Whew!

    And that’s why a Colt .45 is pictured and readily accessible.