Resistance News Network on telegram has some translations of parts of the documentary, but notably is one part that claims Al Aqsa Flood was a preemptive attack in response to leaked plans for an invasion of Gaza sometime after October 7th 2023:

“We detected signals and seized information confirming the enemy’s plans to launch a devastating war on Gaza, based on their belief that we would not align with their proposals. The information we obtained indicated specific timings for this treacherous attack, which was planned to take place right after the Jewish holidays.”

“It would begin with a surprise aerial assault targeting all resistance factions, followed by a massive ground invasion aimed at devastating our people, land, and resources.”

“We took this information seriously, maintained communication with all mediators, and issued instructions to intensify intelligence efforts and finalize preparations for the military option.”

  • merthyr1831@lemmy.mlOP
    2 months ago

    YouTube proper has closed captions that might auto translate to English. No idea if/when an English version will come.