The absolute worst place to get a cut wtf. Whenever I’m calling someone I’ll be getting blood on my screen. It’s going to take ages to heal.
The absolute worst place to get a cut wtf. Whenever I’m calling someone I’ll be getting blood on my screen. It’s going to take ages to heal.
That shit’s been around since I was a kid (long time ago…)
It burns like fuck too. Feels like putting alcohol on a fresh cut. Unless they changed what’s in it anyway.
I remember one time I wrecked my bike as a young teen (flipped over the handle bars because I was being super cool riding with no hands and the front tire hit something and spun like 90 degrees). I went back home and used like a whole bottle on my shoulder and knee areas that had been scraped pretty badly by asphalt. Pretty sure it’s not meant to cover large surface areas like that. The pain was intense. It did form a gross rubber-skin layer though, so I guess it works?
Yeah, definitely not meant to cover large areas. Great for blisters. Does sting like fuck.