Withdrawing US troops from Europe is Europe’s liberation. Demanding tribute for US occupation troops needs to be refused.
Europe needs closer alliance with Russia instead of supporting a destroyed Ukraine purchased even more by Blackrock.
Let me correct that for ya: Withdrawing US troops from Europe is Europe’s liberation. No Nation should have any troops outside of its border, neither Russia nor the United States. So Putin & Trump should fuck off out of Europe and especially Ukraine.
Russia has set clear red lines that are same to avoid and end the war. Russian liberated regions are of course to remain liberated, but yes EU needs to end support for a war on Russia, so that they can normalize relations.
You had me until “closer alliance with Russia”
Kinda. You gotta work on using language people actually use instead of making these obviously practiced phrases, comrade.
Every country the last 70 years has had to choose between US and Russia/China alliance. US demanding higher tribute of its colonies is occasion to at least choose independence, which is better relations with Russia. It is a purely pro European position, soldier.
I don’t think it has to be one or the other. They can keep America an ally while also keeping them at arm’s length until Trump is gone, then strengthen ties with Canada, Mexico, South American countries, etc. Russia isn’t the only option.
ты слишком очевиден
ты слишком очевиден
translates as too obvious.
Any EU pig vermin that chooses to pay US/Trump extortion money over their independence and closer relationships with counterbalancing countries to US is a traitor to EU. Ukraine war is a US project to successfully diminish EU. Wake up from the stupidity now.
Don’t they train Russian propagandists to be subtle and effective? You need to review your course materials 😂
To you and your very pro Ukrainian brother/clone below, and the other reactionaries against Europe.
Its time for EU to abandon Ukraine for the scum they are, in addition to pushing away US from list of cooperative humans. Just because you were stupid to ever humanize either of these countries, and trust their dehumanization of anti-nazi enemy designations, article shows US is not your friend today, and you need to stop being stupid today as a minimum.
I posted European news with EU sources. Pig vermin pretending reality is Russian propaganda has been going on for 3 years.
Look I found some sports shooting videos.
Ukrainians dealing with orcs, easy breezy.