Disclaimer: I don’t think I’m the target audience for this game

Picked this game up (on sale) for my partner who is a low-key potter head. Been playing for the past couple of weeks together and it’s been…interesting (still fun though).

First Impression: 1. The player controls and game mechanics make this game near unplayable. From the start to about midgame, the way a character moves or how you navigate menus/controls just drives you absolutely nuts. 2. The actual “Hogwarts” classes fucking suck, there’s no comparison on how badly they failed at these. 3. The game is mercilessly plagued by bugs (some annoying, others game breaking).

This was all before actually looking into the game online. I heard when it was originally being developed, but kinda lost sight of it once it actually came out. I couldn’t believe when I saw it was “Game of the Year” for so many outlets and awards. I will admit the depth of the spell system and work that went into it is pretty neat. If that was their main goal then they squashed it.

After spending so much time on it and seeing it through a fan’s eyes and reading about it, I’m just confused on if this is a great game or something that fell short (and hopefully then improved upon for the sequel). Puzzles: I have a few that haven’t been solved yet, sometimes I think a puzzle is extremely deep then I find something that gives you the answer with no thought (or the voice overs tell you what to do before you have a chance to look at it). I’m trying not to spoil any Easter eggs or hard puzzles but part of me is worried I’m looking at this deeper than I’m supposed to be and all of this just actually sucks. I did COD Zombie EE’s and that shit gets deep, I’m holding out hope and continuing to try and do more on my own.

A huge caveat: I purchased this through the switch store, and it should have absolutely not had a switch release! Load times are extremely painful, graphics are completely shit, and I suspect all the bugs and crashes I’ve gotten are from trying to play it on a switch. PC play and mods probably make this a completely different game.

Everything else on it is pretty standard and/or substandard. Shitty “Open-world!!” that’s a failed perspective (enemies basically in the backyards of the town, way too clustered), they litter the map with repeats or useless shit (who else tried the skipping stones or various “Interactive Items” for hours till giving up on all of them?). Gear and equipment is shit and the upgrade/trait system is pretty “primary school level” thought process. Capacity for everything is abysmal especially for a “magic” world and improving the limited capacity is pretty “fetch quest” level of enjoyment.

Context: Just basically in the late game now trying to 100% everything before doing the last two main quests since the interest in completing it after might not be there.

TL;DR, semi-decent buy on sale especially if you’re into the potter lore. Subpar rpg/adventure game: If you’re casual, wait for a sequel where it will probably have all the systems improved.

  • MarcomachtKuchen@feddit.org
    2 months ago

    Honestly I don’t know why you want to 100% it. It seems like you’re not having a good time. It’s okay to stop games instead of forcing yourself trough something you don’t enjoy.

    Having said that AFAIK the PC version seems pretty stable. There are some perfomance kinks but overall the game seemed to run good. My partner has not reported minor or gamebraking bugs aswell. So this side might be on the switch port.

    Now let’s talk about the actual game. It is incredible shallow. That’s just it. But honestly I think that’s fine. The game was made not made for people who play a lot of games and more importantly I don’t think the actual gameplay is the selling point of the game. It’s the incredible and rich presentation of Hoghwarts and it’s surroundings. The amount of unique assets and beautiful textures you find in the castle are incredible and it’s clear most of the development budget was spend there instead of the gameplay.

    The word as a gameplay playground is horrible as you said. Countless of meaningless repetitive tasks. But as a backdrop to the focal points of the game they do their job. I don’t think the game is a game of the year but I’m still impressed by the visualisation of Hoghwarts and it’s surroundings. I’ve expected this game to be way worse than it is.

    • Cataphract@lemmy.mlOP
      2 months ago

      I strangely find enjoyment out of 100% something and I’m not currently the main player (mostly help my partner out in the difficult spots, collect items for upgrades and restock equipment). If it was just me I probably would’ve lost interest a while ago.

      You’re absolutely right about the assets. The variety was baffling, we wondered if they were able to import a large library or if considerable time was taken modeling all of it. Would explain a lot for the development, and our hopes is that everything can just be carried over to the next installment so other areas of the game can be concentrated on.