Admittedly anecdotal but I recall when my brother went on a school trip to Japan, him and his school mates were expected to do an embarrassing dance number akin to the Haruhi Suzumiya dance for the students of a Japanese school; I also recall folks who went to teach English in Japanese schools who were merely hired as aides to repeat what the teacher was saying but in a goofy manner. I was like “What a racist cult- oh wait we do that too”.
I remembered Ken Jeong and hearing him speak in an interview and was shocked he didn’t have that accent he puts on in his movies. I then remembered some Asian Americans who said you have to sell out deeply to be accepted in America, and if you say one thing that can be interpreted as pro-China (even calling out Japanese war crimes against China), you lose everything. We like our non-white Americans to be stereotypes and we get scared when we can’t otherize them; we’re also quick to distrust them.
Probably because I’m around an internationally diverse group of working class coworkers all the time I don’t have to do shit to “fit in”. Outside of the usual initial introduction bullshittery jokes that usually comes with saying I’m Korean, the most “foreigner humiliation” esque shit I ever really encounter is from the footsoldiers of Capitalism aka middle management and up. Petty boogie fucking gentrified white boy club that stay in their own social circles and are ever so surprised by reality every time they step outside of it and realize people that aren’t like their 2D personality selves aren’t all walking stereotypes.
Hi Korean I’m dad
send ur hottest officer plz
I can’t be everywhere at the same time to purge everyone.
How is purge user different from ban?
It deletes all posts and comments plus ban
Your account gets completely erased from the database. So like let’s say somebody makes an account here and starts uploading very illegal images here. If we remove them they’re just removed from sight but still a part of the image database.
Purging it just flat out scrubs everything.
So if someone makes a comment that may doxx themselves or other people we can come by and make it just not exist.