There’s a ton out there about his anti-vax statements, promotion of raw milk, opposition to flouride in water. But a lot of people seem to just not understand him. They’ll say “well there’s a lot I actually agree with him on” since he’ll say oh I want healthier school lunches and I want to have food standards similar to Europe, so people just think he’s a well-intentioned guy who just happens to hold some way out there views. They think he’s illogical, when really there’s a very dangerous logic going on here, and that’s that he doesn’t believe in germ theory.
This was really annoying me today at the hearing, the dems (the only people who would attack him save for one or two republicans who offered slight pushback) were so entirely focused on vaccines and Medicaid that Kennedy’s entire outlook on health went over their head. There was like one question rushed at the end where someone asked do you believe germs cause disease and Kennedy just said yes and that was it. Kennedy doesn’t believe in germ theory, not really. Maybe he’s not the most vehement germ theory denier but he’s not really on board with it. And private healthcare loves this because it blames the individual for health. You brought this upon yourself by having diabetes, by being old, by being immunocompromised, by having a bad diet etc etc, and so why should private healthcare pay. Explains why Kennedy kept going on about how people have to take responsibility for their own health. Feel like this is going over people’s heads as he’s portrayed as just some weird eccentric, rather than pushing what is fundamentally eugenics wrapped up in germ theory denialism. Anyway that’s it, rant over.
He speaks and looks like an incredibly, very healthy person