• Delphia@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Ive been saying for a while that the constant barage of Trump and Elon memes makes us think they are significantly less caipable than they are. What are the odds that the commander in cheif of the worlds most powerful military and leader of one of the worlds superpowers AND the worlds richest man, owner of one of the worlds most popular social media platforms BOTH got there by bumblefucking their way to the top? Either “they are smarter and more caipable than we give them credit for by a wide margin” or “We couldnt stop two fucking morons when they told us their plan”… Imagine losing control of American democracy to Pinky and the Brain if it was two Pinkys.

    • grue@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Imagine losing control of American democracy to Pinky and the Brain if it was two Pinkys.

      Funny thing about that: the theme song lyrics say “one is a genius; the other’s insane” but don’t specify which is which. There’s a fan theory that Pinky is the sane one, and his seeming non-sequiturs are actually him thinking many steps ahead.

      From that perspective, two Pinkys could indeed be more dangerous than two Brains, yet even more easily underestimated.