How to lose a technology war with China:
Step 1: Don’t compensate the smart people that develop the technology.
Step 2: You lose! Congratulations!
Easiest victory for China ever. We didn’t even show up to compete.
republicants boycott progress.
every. single. time.
Welcome to the fastest rising star of the shit-hole countries, ruled by a weak, incompetent and confused felon.
Can they… Do that? Are they not bound by contract or something?
It takes time for a lawsuit to fix it. In the meantime, a bunch of postdoc go hungry and a whole generation decides that they can’t become researchers unless independently wealthy
a whole generation decides that they can’t become researchers unless independently wealthy
That’s literally why I had to give up on my research career during the Recession. Very few of my colleagues who continued in academia are even marginally well off. Many have been stuck on the post-doc treadmill of no job security and “student” pay while full-time professorships are outnumbered by adjunct positions, which have marginally greater job security than a fast food worker and about the same benefits.
Just for clarity NSF postdocs currently make ~60-80k starting salary. A postdoc has about a decade of higher education and experience in research. Many have families to care for and probably haven’t finished paying their student loans(unless they were rich or got good scholarships).
I mean it’s illegal as hell, and unconstitutional. So yes.
They’ll reverse this as soon as the MIC complains about having to pay for their own R&D.