Finally, Taranaki, my beloved, we can be together! 🥴
It only gets one vote though, right? Same as everyone else.
So if you touch the mountain without it’s consent you’ll be charged with assault?
And don’t you dare jerk off while out backpacking.
“So our worldview is our maunga are ancestors, they’re not resources but they are living beings and so the notion of legal personhood fits well with our worldview.”
We generally don’t think of people as resources… Human resources… Shit.
I think it’s way overdue to charge that bastard with loitering.
So people have the same “rights” as a large pile of dirt? That’s a good indicator of their worthlessness.
It’s a sacred mountain, not a “pile of dirt.” This is redressing colonialism. Not massively, but at least it’s something.
The Maori want this, so I’m not sure why you think it indicates worthlessness. The mountain is now saved from exploitation.