Wow I need to find this shirt for my mother. She has been in what feels like a legit feud with the mayor and his wife for years. I don’t remember what even started it anymore.
Holy shit. This is gold! lol
Daddy’s cyber bullying his senator.
Fuck you Ted Cruz, you fat fascist hypocrite
Bro, not cool.
Who wants to fuck Ted Cruz?
Certainly not his wife, I hear she won’t even peg him anymore
Give me a strap on so I don’t have to touch him and I’ll do it to him. But it’s gonna be rougher than he wanted. By a lot.
Is there a story behind this?
Work for local government in a small town and you’ll get it.
I only worked for a medium town with way too much tax pork spent poorly. Is cyber bullying the mayor a perq of a small town? I’m considering moving and I need to know my options.
I assume it’s more like a life’s purpose.
Aw man. I love it, I was just hoping to find it was in support of some busybody who had a local paper do a writeup on her.
Still: always cyberbully mayors.
Woulda guessed it was NYC de Blasio
First out-loud laugh of the day. This is so true. But it should be a laptop.