This seems inconvenient for retailers.
This seems inconvenient for retailers.
I moved to the 5700X3D and that was a very worthwhile upgrade from the 3600.
Less expensive Galaxies retain uSD support.
These gals rock and are hella cute.
Work for local government in a small town and you’ll get it.
Yes it supported PPC and MIPS, which are RISC platforms.
Dickbutt meets the Prince from Katamari Damacy meets Adventure Time
Reminds me of Cassie and Tassie in Letterkenny.
Yeah and it’s stupid and regressive as fuck.
Sound very similar to Serbo-Croatian - a language spectrum divided by geopolitics.
iFixit has their own store.
It’s all Oprah’s fault.
It’s regional in the US. Boo-ee is a western states thing.
Not terribly different from 0-100kph, FYI. That’s about 62mph.
To my knowledge, all my family is American and reside here.
Thanks for including Galaxy Quest.
Thank you Dr. Phil lmao
Rice crispies treat cereal
Snake! Snake? Snaaaaaaake!!!