hell no 😭😭 i dont want a bunch of those die antwoord or whatever they’re called kinda people being here
border’s closed for brown people being bombed but we have space for white people who have a 50% chance of not knowing how to read?
Apparently it backfired and now the Afrikaner nationalists are back pedaling about how they don’t want to leave South Africa lol. These people are truly pathetic. I guess that they don’t want to be part of Musk’s operation paperclip for racist South Africans.
Don’t put us in your land
We’re your lucky Boers
What do you want me to do? :sad-boi:
Leave us with our farms. Or we’ll get mixed in with the Americans and become just another :cracker: … which we are.
Going to be honest comrade, I appreciate the spirit but I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to say with the last few emojis lol. Are you saying that the Boers want to stay in South Africa to avoid being Americanised and losing their “culture” like the stereotypical white American? Did I understand the joke correctly?
No, its not just that.
If they import these Afrikaners into America, they’re probably going to restart economically (I’d wager most of them would become proletarianized or at least not recover back from their economic loss to their original status), considering without much Boers present, their farmlands are more open to being seized, and geopolitically, they’d run the risk of becoming an irrelevant tool on the world stage, once the Boer problem seems solved by Trump.
Afrikaners are the most racist people I have ever met and I grew up in the south
Boer patrol
Are people saying anything about these immigrants being brought in? I mean chuds are usually saying these immigrants or those immigrants are being imported, but these white colonizers are literally being imported.
Wait til you see what Afrikaans is spelled like
It can’t be any worse than regular Dutch
lmao that cannot be real.
You’d think it can’t be worse, but you’d be wrong.
Well you see. We need to combat the horrible persecution of evildoers by big good, even though the good guys haven’t been relevant for decades!
This is awesome actually. Cyril Ramaphosa getting US-funded chartered flights to extradite KKKolonisers who would otherwise organise an armed resistance that would encourage US intervention is a devastating self-own for American imperialism.
They did the same in Cuba, bar the piss poor invasion attempt. With the rich gusanos living it up in Miami they suddenly had more to lose by fighting Castro than if they were forced into the periphery of Cuban society.
kill the boer
Here’s the little history I just read.