Some of these have been expired for 40 years, how has no one audited it for 40 years?
Looking forward to see US shutting down its veteran’s healthcare or the FAA, among others.
That’s going to be a show seen from outside.
Seems like the idea of being fiscally conservative has been absent from parts of the government through both parties’ watches. Doesn’t validate the method here of a non-elected billionaire having free access to everything. He’s hardly going to get the money back to the people, he’s just found a quicker route to collect it all for The Club.
It’s not like the people in the government didn’t know about it. If anyone objected to these programs continuing all they had to do was say something. Seems like a bunch of necessary programs nobody in their right mind would object to.
So you think that governments don’t waste your money? Keep on dreaming.
Which of the listed programs do you think is a waste and why?
It was a general comment based on history. Read ‘basic economics’ from Thomas Sowell and you will know how many mistakes governments make and how much money is wasted on useless projects. If a company makes a mistake it goes bankrupt, the government is never out of capital. It can raise taxes or print money.
There is no end to spending and government control if you think with a Democrat/socialist mindset. You must be a monster if you are against an ‘every student succeeds act’ right? Who doesn’t want every student to succeed.
Why don’t we create an ‘every human on earth succeeds act’? Doesn’t everybody deserve that?
Ah yes, the author that argues there shouldn’t be a minimum wage and that systemic racism isn’t real. He knows how to make money by telling wealthy white people what they want to hear.
Usually when I hear people complain about the government funding “useless projects” it is either something they don’t understand or something that ends up saving money in the long run.
How much did they give to the Jews to spend on space lasers? I think that summarizes it quite well.
I know right? Some of the stuff they spent money on is ridiculous! And it’s our taxpayer money.
Why aren’t more Democrats interested in government spending and just trust the government unconditionally? At least Jon Stewart dares to ask the right questions.
We need these kind of questions all over the world - cut government spending and produce instead of leech.