And it has been co-opted by the far right to act as a nebulous term (like woke) that just describes anything bad.
And it has been co-opted by the far right to act as a nebulous term (like woke) that just describes anything bad.
We have to stop using the fascist’s code words. It wasn’t DEI. He was expelled for supporting desegregation and racial equality.
That situation is completely irrelevant to matters of immigration today. It’s frankly highly insulting to even say such a thing. It is literally a white supremacist talking point.
The money is being pissed away by tax cheats who are stealing from the American public.
There’s always Keijo
If it makes you feel better, some stores have a policy not to ID people over 65, so cashiers just put people’s age as 65 when they don’t want to bother to card someone.
I was buying beer at one of those places where the cashier had to input your birthdate into the register. The cashier said “Oops, I put a 9 instead of an 8”, and then handed me my beer. Suddenly realizing I could drink legally for over a decade made me feel old.
Edit: Now I’m realizing that this story is more than a decade old…
I’ll never forgive Amazon for cancelling The Tick.
Incorrect. By law that money is owed to the government as taxes. Doge hasn’t changed that. They have only ensured they don’t have the staff to collect.
Destroying is always easier than building.
You know that the first immigration law in the US was called?
The Asian Exclusion Act.
Immigration control was and always has been about maintaining white racial supremacy.
They have been doing this for years. They add a little bump and sell it as a belt buckle, or add a little notch and sell it as a bottle opener. Most insane is it is fine to put a knife blade on it and sell it as a knife.
I understand that they probably don’t want to lock themselves into a timetable, but arranging a general strike without a date chosen seems like it is an uphill battle at best.
I think that the thing that made the protests for George Floyd and Covid policies so widespread was people were out of work. The capitalist system has done a very good job of binding us to our jobs. we need a change that will put large amounts of people on the streets with little to lose. An economic collapse might do it.
I would argue that immigration is a right, not just a privilege. If people want to be Americans, the government should not be able to stop them.
There was a theory a while back that Napoleon died from arsenic poisoning due to the damp Mediterranean climate causing the decay of a green wallpaper using an arsenic based dye. It didn’t end up being entirely true but he may have been slowly poised by environmental arsenic throughout his life. Here is an article about it.
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in the Earth’s crust as metallic crystals or combined with other elements. Being a heavy metal, arsenic bioaccumulates. That is, it builds up in the body over time, so slow poisoning is possible.
It was always shit. Now we just have technology that lets us see all of it.
There was always a genocide going on somewhere in the world. Cops always brutalized and killed people. The wealthy always exploited the poor. New diseases are always popping up and spreading. Politicians were always corrupt.
The internet tells us about all of it. We no longer have the bliss of ignorance.
Here is a bonus picture of Luna.
So release the chat logs and prove it.