Hello everyone!
I’m looking for ideas for a non-processed meat that goes well with breakfast. In the past, I had bacon, eggs, and maybe some oats or a salad. I cut the traditional bacon, and now have either beans or turkey bacon as my “breakfast meat”. But, turkey bacon is still really high in sodium (and is a processed meat) and beans just don’t satisfy that meat craving sometimes. And substituting a different meat has been kinda hard; chicken breast, while unprocessed, just doesn’t go well with breakfast.
So, I just wanted to know what other people do for breakfast, if they struggle with this dilemna, and any feedback the community has.
Steak and eggs?
Make your own sausage or chorizo without the bad stuff. Grind a cheap cut of meat (pork, beef, chicken, anything) and mix in your favorite spices (just Google the spices used in any specific sausage style you like) and press it into a patty. Since you won’t be long-term storing or curing it, you can skip everything but the meat and seasoning while still getting something that tastes like a classic processed sausage.
I like this suggestion. I have bought ground turkey and added spices then flattened to make breakfast sausage patties before. Cooked and frozen so I could quickly reheat add them to future breakfast sandwiches.
Pork chops, a hamburger patty, steak, salmon, even mushrooms are all options that would satisfy ya.
Not sure if there’s any non processed meat that goes well with breakfast. Ham is also cured. You don’t like beans, I agree its a bit much for breakfast for me too, but maybe something like a chickpea spread like hummus on toast would do? Spread thin enough and dried they get sorta flaky, crisp like. Maybe you’re into that?
tasty mushrooms are getting pretty widespread and they are meaty and delicious when fried up. very good for you and pairs great with eggs!
Definitely lacking on mixing in mushrooms with my foods. I’ll be looking into this, thanks!
Salt isn’t actually bad for you. https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/salt-guide
A breakfast scramble of eggs and some beef is a good option, for me.
For the nonfatty meats like chicken you can combine them with some fat to make them taste better, I e. Sour cream, avocado, etc
Can do a quick grill up of some lamb or beef in the morning if you want something really fresh.
I’m not very impressed by those studies stating salt isn’t bad. Either weak evidence, or odd choice of framing the data. Regardless, I’m trying to stick to the FDA and WHO recommendations to lower my sodium intake.
I like the idea of adding other fats to chicken to make them tastier though. I’m going to try to see if I can come up with anything for chicken and breakfast
ham (Canadian bacon)
That is also usually high in sodium, and is processed. Probably will skip ham, I don’t see value over turkey bacon