When you move to a new property, you’ll have the right-sized cover and box to store them in for protection. I have a closet nearly full of them.
Keep the smaller ones too, for that matter.
Just learn to make boxes and pack things. For really weird shaped things, spray foam in a plastic bag does the trick.
I am not a hoarder and have never reused those boxes so no.
I hate owning too much shit. Fuck being a good little consumer. Hence I throw out almost all packaging and own fuck all things.
wouldn’t you not have packaging to throw out if you did not buy it?
A good chunk of the time the item in the packaging isn’t worth the space it occupies. Trying to be better.
Down side of this: now every large item you have uses twice as much storage space. (Yes I know some boxes can be russian-dolled.)
It doesn’t make sense to keep every box. I’d say be selective about witch boxes make the most sense to keep. Also, be selective about purchases in general and make a regular habit of purging. Refinement and balance will help lead a better lifestyle.
Bonus tip: LOOK IN THAT CLOSET before you pack up all your dinnerware in store-bought boxes. I am certainly not speaking from personal experience…
Go to a bar or liquor store and ask for boxes. It helps if you go in thursday and say you can pick them up sunday.
A bar I managed threw out probably 50-60 heavy duty cardboard boxes every weekend. Breaking them down was a pain. Id happily save them for anyone who wanted em.
This is a great top - grocery stores will do it, too. Banana boxes are especially heavy duty, albeit with a hole in the bottom.
I’m dull enough to where I did the math on how many I could fit in my storage locker and opted to spend the $50 to have uniform boxes for maximum efficiency lol
Or if you need to active the warranty or return it
So your closet is a cat condominium?
The world is a cruel place, for I am a dog person
I have done this for our past two moves, and now that we own a house I keep them in our non-climate controlled cellar off our basement. My wife thought I was crazy until we moved and had good a good way to move a bunch of stuff.
this sounds like it should be in dull mens pro tips.
Every single time I’ve thrown out a big box, I’ve ended up regretting it
Because you could no longer build an awesome fort with it, right?
I found a VCR box in the attic from the previous owner. I bought the house in 2014.