Federal Judge Amir Ali sharply criticized the Trump administration during a Tuesday hearing for failing to comply with his 12-day-old restraining order to unfreeze USAID contract funding.
“I don’t know why I can’t get a straight answer from you,” the judge demanded, asking if funds had been unfrozen. The government lawyer responded: “I’m not in a position to answer that.”
Ali ordered USAID to pay all invoices for work performed before February 13 by midnight tomorrow and required the administration to identify officials who can testify under oath about compliance disputes.
Apparently you haven’t been paying attention over the last month, have you?
Being cynical isn’t an argument.
Contempt is, as a matter of fact, not a pardonable offense. The lawyer can be taken into custody by the court staff and held, by the courts until the contempt offense is resolved.
Until six months ago, the President of the United States was, as a matter of fact, not immune from prosecution. You’re trying to enforce rules on the exact people who have the power to change those rules at will. If the Supreme Court decides tomorrow that contempt is a pardonable offense, it’s a pardonable offense.
The court system was unwilling to hold Trump in contenpt of court when he was a private citizen. And that was after directly violating court orders ten fucking times.
Do you honestly think, for one fucking second, that any judge is going to try to hold one of Trump’s cronies in contempt for doing Trump’s bidding? Because if so, I have beachfront property on Mars that you may be interested in. We literally have a random dude from South Africa firing federal workers by the tens of thousands, answering any attempt at accountability by telling those trying to hold him accountable to go fuck themselves, working with a President who has already committed several direct violations of multiple amendments to the US Constitution, and you think a contempt charge for some random lawyer is going to be the bridge too far?
Are any of these people being held accountable for their crimes? Fucking lol nope. All three branches of our government have largely stepped aside and just said “Go right ahead, sir.” The fuck makes you think one of these judges is even going to issue an order holding one of these people in contempt? And what the fuck makes you think that this administration is going to abide by it?
Remember, the Judicial branch has zero enforcement power. Enforcement is reliant on the DOJ. What do you think is going to be the result there?
A judgement made by the court can be revoked and reinterpreted by the same judiciary, it’s the basis of the judicial system.
What judicial system? You have a king and it’s lackeys lol
That remains to be seen for the most part.
We certainly have an idiot with too much power, long not so much yet.
I have been, apparently that’s your best argument which is… Something I guess.