My gf made me watch the Fall Guy, and to my surpise it was not about the video game and instead was about stuntmen. It was a very stupid (in the best way) rom com with tons of fantastic stunts. It was a bit masturbatory but it was very entertaining. It’s one of those movies you feel like everyone involved had a good time.

Has anyone else seen it and if so what are your troughts?

    30 days ago

    Yeah, it really is way better than I thought it would be.

    It felt like a long episode of the original show, but managed to skip some of the 80s silliness, replacing it with 2ks silliness.

    It isn’t high art, and it doesn’t need to be. It’s a simple action romp with great stunts.

    I thought it would suck, taking nothing but the name of the show and they pissing on it the way most of these nostalgia movies do.