I have an inherited contact sensitivity to alcohol, but my former alcohol-free mouthwash is 1000% USA corporation owned, made and marketted. I simply cannot find an alcohol-free substitute: help!
Fastest turn around in Canadian history! Already ordered and paid for, and it is very competitively priced, too. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the links!
Dollarama sells an in-house brand that is cheap, alcohol free, and made in Canada
That’s definitely good to know, as there’s a BIG Dollarama just 4 blocks from here!
I use Opti-Rinse on the recommendations of my dentist & hygienist, since I live in a municipality that doesn’t fluoridate its water supply.
I believe it’s alcohol-free, and it looks like the company was founded in Québec.
Thanks for the tip. We tried Opti-rinse, also recommended at our dental clinic and sold there. However, we really didn’t need it, as floridation is already covered by our toothpaste. Our clinic was recently bought by one of the investment companies that are taking over the dental and veterinary industries in Canada, and upselling is part of their business model. The mouthwash recommended by the previous commentor looks more like what we need.