Horse owners are some of the most self righteous people I’ve ever come across, I’ve never seen a group of people who expect so many concessions from those around them, but are utterly unwilling to do the bare minimum in return.
And like hell am I running out with a shovel and a bucket if a horse shits outside my house.
What I want to know is why an article about horses in Northland is being illustrated by a picture of a horse in the Bay of Plenty.
Surely there are some Northland horses on file.
On topic: the horse owner person saying you would have to ban horses to avoid their poo should be careful what they wish for.
At least it’s not an AI image of a horse!
True. One day I will be nostalgic for this era.
Journalists are pretty lazy when it comes to file photos, just be glad it’s a horse at all.
True. At least it isn’t Hide The Pain Harold.
great! now do the same with dog owners
Is that not already a thing? Honest question, I have no idea.
it kinda is but no one is enforcing it. Like fuck we spend decades and billions to build infrastructure to get shit of the streets into tubes underground…jet…there is dog shit everwhere
I wonder how much enforcement the new horse rule will get.
well nowerdays there are a lot less horses than dogs, the nearest police station also just has to open the next best social media app, look for who post as horse people, then compare the results with a map of local stables and maybe surveillance cams that saw the horse shit…yeah ok it wont get enforced