She’s a proper part of the family now! After two failed attempts, she’s landed at her forever home. She seems to know it too - she waits at the top of the stairs when it gets to bedtime and screams until we go up and tuck her in with us.
She’s a proper part of the family now! After two failed attempts, she’s landed at her forever home. She seems to know it too - she waits at the top of the stairs when it gets to bedtime and screams until we go up and tuck her in with us.
Don’t know the story here, but sometimes people don’t have a choice in taking it with them or not, don’t have time to make arrangements, and hope for the best.
I still think it’s shitty when it’s possible to find no kill shelters that’ll take in a healthy animal, but not everyone knows that. Some people don’t even know no kill shelters exist, as hard as that is to believe.
And, as much as it sucks, some people think cats can just be dumped anywhere and will be just fine. Dogs too, but it’s more common with cats.
Then, there’s just the assholes that didn’t care in the first place, and shouldn’t have had a pet.