His movies doesn’t suck. He’s an excellent technician and movie-mechanic, but his apparent inability to portray humans and their connections in a believable manner puts him in the overrated-book for me.
Hmm, I sort of agree about Ledger. I rewatch Inception, Interstellar, and The Prestige regularly though. The IMAX shots in Interstellar are amazing in 4k HDR and I do enjoy the plot for the other two.
Can it be a director?
The dark Knight is the only good Nolan movie. And Heath carried all of the weight
I’d put memento ahead of the dark knight, but agree Nolan is enormously overrated.
Mmm I don’t know; while I thought Tenet as a whole was overwrought the Opera sequence was an amazingly tight bit of storytelling.
His movies doesn’t suck. He’s an excellent technician and movie-mechanic, but his apparent inability to portray humans and their connections in a believable manner puts him in the overrated-book for me.
Hmm, I sort of agree about Ledger. I rewatch Inception, Interstellar, and The Prestige regularly though. The IMAX shots in Interstellar are amazing in 4k HDR and I do enjoy the plot for the other two.
I also think Nolan is overrated but The Prestige is a good movie.
See I think Dark Knight might be his worst movie.
I will never understand why/how people can watch dunkirk.